Sunday 12 July 2009

Our youth group...

We had a first, rather unplanned, youth group meeting last Sunday. About 10 youngsters were there. What we did was a sort of getting acquainted, taking addresses, ids and telephone / mobile numbers. We also brainstormed about the goals of the youth group. Four came up: formation, recreation, helping in the parish, outreach. Suggestions about lay animators: Mr Claude Noronha, Ms Beverly Homan, Sr Anelfreda Miranda, FMA, Mr Ross Lewis....

Forthcoming activities:
12 July: Charismatic Prayer Meeting, 1400 hours, Holy Cross
9 August: Marian Academy
22 August: Vocation Sharing Day
30 August: animation of the Sunday evening mass
Today we had a meeting at 1130 hours, with Fr Nelson present. The group readily took up Fr Nelson's suggestion about taking charge of the Marian Academy. Keith was appointed coordinator, with Quincy as assistant coordinator. Royston will compose a letter of invitation for items. Keith, Craig, Philbert and Ansilon will go round the religious houses inviting items. Quincy will ask for an item from Zone C, Yannick from Zone B, and Philbert from Zone A. Keith will ask Bro Neville to get an item or even two from Satpur. A notice regarding the academy will also be put up on the Parish Notice Board.

A meeting was fixed for 1000 hours, coming Sunday, 19 July, to follow up the planning.

26 July 2009: formation session. More details awaited. You are all invited, even if you do not want to belong formally to the youth group. Parents, do encourage your children to take part.

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